Capitalizing on Contested Identities in this Digital Age

I am currently at the West-Asia North Africa (WANA) Forum in Amman Jordan that is sponsored by the Nippon Foundation on the subject of Social Identity and the Regional Common. I spoke on the topic of "Capitalizing on Contested Identities in this Innovation and Digital Age" in the morning session on a panel that was comprised of some fascinating people listed below and Chaired by the Royal Highness El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan and Chairman of the WANA Forum. Fredrick Chien, Chairman of the Cathay Charity Foundation, Taiwan Mona Makram-Ebeid, Member of the Advisory Board to the Supreme Council of Armed Forces, Egypt Munira Shahidi, Chair of the Shahidi International Foundation for Culture, Tajikistan Omar Christidis, Founder of ArabNet, Lebanon Munir Fasheh, Founder of The Arab Education Forum, Palestine All these panelists talked about aspects relating to how this region could experience transition and the role of identity in this process. Below are some of my th...