Fokke n Sukke does a number on us Tedhead bloggers

Granted, my profound ignorance of Dutch cartoons mitigated a little only due to self-centrism. Having learnt that us TEDx bloggers from the TEDx Amsterdam event (that recently wrapped up on Nov 30th) was covered by two specimens that don't wear pants, it piqued my attention for sure. Fokke, a run-of-the-mill duck wearing a small sailor's cap is accompanied by Sukke, a canary bird that wears a baseball cap backwards but apparently rocks the boat with their supposed tails that coincidently resemble male genitalia. But thats not all that they rock. Their benign disguise is coupled with politically incorrect humor and barbed sarcasms targeted at posers such as us TEDheadders, a subculture of The Economist reading, Mac hugging, Jon Stewart loving type of groupies.
So, Fokke & Sukke is a Dutch comic strip created by writer and illustrator Jean-Marc van Tol, and writers John Reid and Bastiaan Geleijnse and is published in the daily broadsheet NRC Handelsblad. These guys even won the Stripschapprijs, the Netherlands’ premier cartoon award. So no doubt then it is flattering that our esteemed little creatures decided to focus (albeit mockingly) on us bloggers given the numerous distractions going on at the TEDx event.
So the translation for this goes something like this..based on my pigeon Dutch:
Sitting down in the press balcony with pen and paper
Sukke! Everyone uses an apple! (holding onto their pen and paper)
Shh! Careful or they'll realize that we don't know shit about nanotechnology!
I m sure its more acidic when translated correctly...but hey, nothing like getting immortalized by a bunch of furry creatures that are still not extinct.
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